Maximizing Productivity and Creativity through Energy Alignment

Maximizing Productivity and Creativity through Energy Alignment

On any given day you may find me experiencing one of three energetic flows: procrastination, creativity or productivity. I never know what I will wake up to, and all three have positive and negative characteristics. Procrastination is a slow energy, and a common challenge where individuals delay or avoid completing tasks despite knowing they should…

Words That Shape Your World: How to Rewrite Life’s Terms for Happiness

Words That Shape Your World: How to Rewrite Life’s Terms for Happiness

Do you ever feel like some things in your life become repetitive and while you still enjoy doing them, you would like to put a fresh spin on it? Well, how about defining your life with new terms? For example, I enjoy travelling, and I especially like cruising. In fact, I am embarking on seven-day…

February Self-Love Challenge Starts Now!

February Self-Love Challenge Starts Now!

Here it is folks, my February Self-Love Challenge! February is an excellent opportunity to focus on self-love and self-care. In recent years, there has indeed been such growing movement towards redefining Valentine’s Day as a day to celebrate all forms of love, including love for oneself. It represents a cultural shift towards valuing self-love, self-care,…

Anticipation turns waiting into a celebration of what’s to come!

Anticipation turns waiting into a celebration of what’s to come!

I have been focused on the feeling of anticipation lately. Have you ever stopped to focus on what is happening to you when you experience anticipation? I have a voyage coming up that I have been looking forward to and as it gets closer and I make plans, I am already feeling the joy of…

Building Resilience: Strategies to Take Charge of Your Mental Well-being.

Building Resilience: Strategies to Take Charge of Your Mental Well-being.

I am a pretty self-motivated individual and rarely need much encouragement to get through my to-do list. Every once in a while, however, I lose my way. I know the signs: my energy is low, I don’t leave my bedroom, and I feel overwhelmed. I tuck away in my safe hideaway, and typically spend hours…

Advent Calendar Blog 2022 – That’s A Wrap
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Advent Calendar Blog 2022 – That’s A Wrap

Has it already been twenty-four days since I started on this year’s Advent Calendar Blog? I intended the topic for 2022 to be a reflection on change, and how to face it with courage and dignity, whether it was brought in intentionally or not into our life, yet it seems there were a few other…

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Advent Calendar Blog 2022 – Grounding in Times of Stress

The energy around me is shifting and unsettled today. There is the usual frenzy out there as the final preparations for Christmas have kicked in, and millions of people across the planet are moving in planes, trains and automobiles to be reunited with loved ones. But the intensity has been kicked up a notch now…

Advent Calendar Blog 2022 – The Power of Affirmations
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Advent Calendar Blog 2022 – The Power of Affirmations

I let go of what no longer serves me. This is an affirmation that I repeat to myself daily, as a reminder that I do not wish to hold on to grudges, resentment and the need to be right. A while ago, I decided that I wanted to create a life for myself filled mainly…

Advent Calendar Blog 2022 – Having Coherence with the Universe
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Advent Calendar Blog 2022 – Having Coherence with the Universe

There are a few people in my life with whom I have synchronicity. I will think of them, and seconds later a text from them will arrive, or I will send a friend a clip from YouTube and she will tell me that she had been focused on that very topic. Yesterday, I reached out…

Advent Calendar Blog 2022  – What is your gift to give away?
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Advent Calendar Blog 2022 – What is your gift to give away?

Could you name your five greatest talents, if asked? By talents, I mean a natural ability to do something, like having a green thumb, or a beautiful singing voice. Perhaps you can learn and execute new dance moves easily and masterfully or you can organise an event like no other. I have always been intrigued…

Advent Calendar Blog 2022 – Embrace Imperfection, Know that You Will Be Judged
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Advent Calendar Blog 2022 – Embrace Imperfection, Know that You Will Be Judged

Do you have the courage to be authentic today? Not only ready to be true to yourself in your thoughts and actions, but willing to present the wonderfully flawed and imperfect you in your interaction with others? Are you able to have lunch with some friends or your boss and admit that you don’t have…

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Advent Calendar Blog 2022 – The Tapestry of Life

Humans are funny. Unlike every other species on this planet living out its existence, we humans believe that we need to be busy and active in order to be making good use of our lives. We hear things like needing to be productive, and being purpose driven, seeking meaning to being alive. Perhaps we are…

Advent Calendar Blog 2022 – To be or not to be….
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Advent Calendar Blog 2022 – To be or not to be….

Everyone tells us that the best way to be happy in life is to do what you love. If your work asks that you solve peoples problems all day long, and doing that makes you happy then you probably get up in the morning looking forward to your day. If your passion is food, and…