Trying to be a non tourist in Venice

Trying to be a non tourist in Venice

Italy is a relatively young country, as young as Canada actually, with the unification of all of its regions and cities finalized in 1870. I will spare you the complex historical evolution of how it came to be a nation-state, but suffice to know that prior to the unification, Italy was a collection of city-state…

This Way Please for Time Travel

This Way Please for Time Travel

It occurred to me this week, as we contemplated structures aged roughly 1600 years and which still serve their intended purpose today, that the most stunning revelation on this trip so far is the idea that cities, inhabited by thousands, existed while our country was not yet born. It’s actually the closest thing I have…

Is it very different where you are?

Is it very different where you are?

Travelling allows you to discover the way people do things in their country. As a guest in their country, it is our responsibility to respect their ways, and embrace the unfamiliarity. It is why we travel and hence the expression “When in Rome…” Take eggs for example. Here in Tuscany, we find them on store…

La dolce vita, the roses and the thorns

La dolce vita, the roses and the thorns

Ah yes, life in Tuscany. Beautiful countryside – check! Hills of vineyards, weighted by big clusters of dark blue grapes, ready now for harvesting and fields of olive trees to be harvested in a few months. Winding roads, make you drive constantly in S formations. Left curve…straight…right curve..straighten, left curve…etc…At any time, I am driving…